9th October 21:55 GMT/UT
Time for some fearlessness.
Full Moon in Aries brings the ability to work on our struggles with motivation, identity and being a spiritual being of consciousness living this human experience in this “meatsuit” vehicle.
We have all been experiencing many WTF??? moments this year, and September was a surreal month for those moments! We may even be feeling like we have run out of patience. For us to find greater sense of peace amidst the madness of the outer world, we must put on our armour and be prepared to walk fearlessly and unflinchingly into those places where we may have unknowingly been in battle against ourselves. The warrior aspect of Aries is calling you to honestly fight for yourself and those without free voice, in an intelligent way… in order to find peace.
At a collective level this full moon calls us to release negativity, to change what we can no longer abide to remain the same.
Make time for some self care, de-stressing and mind your words and reactions so that you don’t become part of the problem! We need to think before we speak, and even more so before we act. Emotions, especially deep seated ones could be all over the place. You could find yourself in the midst of outbursts and conflicts you never saw coming.
Do your best to stay grounded and mindful.
The big picture will be important and at the forefront this full moon. What needs to change will feel like it needs to happen yesterday, but pace yourself. You may feel a sense of urgency and determination to do whatever it takes to see that your long-held desires are fulfilled. Weigh your decisions carefully!
Aries energy encourages us to think for ourselves, seeing beyond the distraction of mainstream media and news to see the real truth. Time to accept that there are two realities at play in any moment, the physical reality – which the eyes see and the etheric reality – which the soul understands.
This Aries Full Moon brings to light the connection between soul and body – and the courage it takes to realise this connection is real within the human experience.
As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries is all about new beginnings, cycles and very much the energy of us arriving here in human form at birth. As souls we are reminded now we have all chosen to incarnate at this time and in this physical form to learn and evolve within our experiences. Aries energy helps us feel motivated and the desire to get things done, to effect change. It is also about accepting the body you are living in. However we live in a material world where shallow judgements make this difficult and we can end up in a place of punishing or judging the body. This is ego (fear), not soul. This Aries Full Moon calls for a release of self judgement. We are called towards a path of greater understanding that we are both human and spirit combined. To enjoy the ride of being in physical form, we could perhaps embrace the concept that this is not our first birth and it probably won’t be our last?
This Full Moon is an ideal opportunity to manifest some deep healing. Through our deepest wounds we learn about our own healing abilities as well as our true nature.
The physical and the energetic bodies ask us to see their link to one another. For example, if you find you continually get throat irritation, where are you not speaking the truth with loving assertiveness?
Ask this Moon energy to help dissolve and release what holds you back. Sit in quietude, listen to your emotions and pay attention to your body… allow it to tell you it’s secrets.
Questions to ask ourselves and meditate upon:
Are there any toxic patterns or behaviours in my life?
Where am I holding myself back?
How can I be more emotionally fearless?
Where do I need to reclaim my power in my personal relationships?
Whose opinions do I really need to take into account before I make important changes?
Where do I need to take action?
Where do I need to be more patient?
What do I admire about myself?
This is also a time to harness intentionally taking back of any power you may have unintentionally given away to a person or situation outside your control. Here’s a simple and powerful way to call your power back to you.
Remember, it is safe to be powerful in many ways. One of the ways that makes use of power in a nurturing way is doing more of what lights us up. What are you passionate about?
Appearance may suddenly be bothering you out of the blue – try to love yourself as you are and resist the urge to be self critical as this will pass. It is temporary. Do speak to yourself kindly and treat yourself to do something that makes you feel nourished at soul level.
Impulsiveness may be a problem if you allow it to be… no big decisions without careful and grounded meditation on those issues.
Planning new projects is divinely guided on this full moon! This Aries motivational energy is perfect to light a fire under inspirational ideas and turn them into reality. Your vision can be made real, harness this day!
If you feel like your sex life is in need of some ooh la la… this is the day for it! Any sexy plans or encounters will be amplified with amazing energy!
Aries is all about positive self-affirming assertiveness – but you’ll do well to avoid unnecessary drama at the moment, diffuse and dampen any fiery moments that arise before you burn any bridges without meaning to. Take a breath and ask your guides and spirit team to give you the right words to assert yourself kindly.
If you wish to work with this energy, I have a Full Moon Ritual guide with some simple ways to harness this beautiful energy and make it work for you.
I’m here if you need any overnight treatments to soothe the soul too…
Enjoy this powerful, fiery energy and use it well!
Until next time, more power to you…
Rachel xx