Total Lunar Eclipse Super Moon During Mercury Retrograde!


Welcome to eclipse season!

What a rollercoaster of a weekend. Many of us have experienced challenges out of the blue!

We have been plunged into highs and lows of all kinds, and it is still continuing, so strap in because the effects of this total lunar eclipse super moon during Mercury Retrograde today will be felt for some time, especially during the next week.

Such joys are ahead of us, but they will come to us via huge energetic changes  bringing things to a head across the board. It is a time of revelation, even shock, but we can navigate it all easily with self care first and foremost, loving assertiveness and kindness to ourselves and others. This is no time for self sacrificing behaviour, we must be sovereign and wield our own sword carefully. This energy window reminds me much of the Queen of Swords in tarot…  She is firmly seated in her power, on her throne, knowing her own capability, sword casually in hand and at the ready, just to remind others she is unafraid to use it if it becomes necessary. This is who we need to be today.

You may be feeling the following:

The urge to purge. Carefully consider the people and elements of your daily life that drain the life force from you whenever you think about them, let alone when they are close by. Writing it down, meditating on each point about how you feel brings so much out into the light to be transformed.

The need for full completion or closure.

Bringing an aspect of your life full circle in order to begin something new.

Searching for ways to feel a greater sense of freedom.

What can you do about what you’ve revealed?

Can it be done in increments or does drastic action need to be taken? Remember, Mercury Retrograde can throw spanners into the most careful of plans, so timing needs consideration.

This combination of powerful energies will create reactions within you that demand action, however, weigh up your choices carefully. Ask yourself if you are having a knee jerk reaction to something temporarily annoying or painful, or are you finally making a decision about something that needs to be done or gone for good?

If you work with goddess energy, especially that of the moon goddesses and Hekate, lighting a candle, incense and asking for Her guidance in your decision making will bode well for you.

Sleeping with moonstone or selenite next to your bed will also bring dream wisdom and revelations on most full moons, but the next few nights dreams will be super revelatory. Write down any dreams you can remember or make a voice note on your phone, even if they seem bonkers! Their meaning will be revealed in the coming weeks.

More power to you as you seize this opportunity for profound change!