New Supermoon in Capricorn

New Moon in Capricorn

23rd December 2022  10:17am GMT/UT

This supermoon is super charged for the greater good!

Be careful where you place your energy and focus as we will receive more of what we choose to put our awareness into.

The Solstice energy is still very strong at this New Moon, so in the Northern hemisphere we are embracing the return of the light, and going into embracing the dark and shadow in the Southern hemisphere. Allowing our energy to rise like the sun or retreat and relax into self care is just perfect.

There is a need for directness, loving assertiveness at this moment in time. Expression of needs, desires, a sense of truly being heard. This may have already been present within you for the past week or so and will continue for the Yuletide period until January.

Capricorn energy is clear, dependable and practical but can bring out stubbornness easily if we aren’t careful! If you are sticking to your guns about something, check you aren’t veering into digging your heels in or locking horns over an issue that isn’t worth burning bridges over.

Questions to ask ourselves:

Where do I need to redirect my attention for my highest good?

What am I building for the future? Is it still on track?

What can I forge that is entirely new in my life?

How may I be of inspiration or service to others?

Wishing you a beautiful and peaceful Yuletide, and don’t forget to use your 25% discount code TREAT on any of my self care treatments, courses or cleansing services to start the new year as you wish to continue.