New Moon in Gemini 18th June – Energy Report


18TH JUNE 2023

 05:37AM UK/GMT

Creative, sociable, this new moon has us feeling good!

We may find ourselves burning the candle both ends to fit in the fun and the things we have to get done that aren’t so fun, so be prepared for that. We will feel no guilt for having fun though! Don’t allow any party poopers to guilt you into feeling like you should be in two places at once. It is time to live in the moment and laugh, enjoy this window of happy vibes.

We will feel in the flow, making creative changes, adapting to new circumstances and having great new ideas about how to make the unexpected work even better than our plans.

It is a lovely opportunity for long overdue conversations with people we love to spend time with and just take our attention off the time. No plans, just be-ing.

Questions to ponder and mantras for this new moon:

Do I give myself enough opportunities to regularly chill the f out?

Where can I carve out some regular time in my week EVERY week that is for relaxing?

Do I live in the moment enough and just observe what that is… or constantly worry?

Does change scare me or fill me with anticipation about what is possible?

I will go with the flow

I will make time for the people I love

I will make time for ME.

If you need a little help relaxing or clearing any anxiety, negativity or blocks, take a look at all my distant energy healing and cleansing options here and see if any resonate with what you need…