Perfect cleansing and re-set energy of this full moon in Cancer on 29th December 2020 to prepare for a brighter new year!
All our close relationships, especially those with our immediate family and nurturing roles will be imbued with a deeper love, a new ease of connection if we allow. All sensitives among us will be feeling even more deeply empathic than usual… so prepare to feel ALL the feels and be OK with it!
Go with the flow, don’t fight it, no point in trying to avoid its BIG and all encompassing heightened emotions, they will flow anyway!
Today’s energy demands us to take note, evaluate and most of all take action, make change whenever and wherever a revelation is made. Expect an epiphany or two to happen today.
We can harness this energy to help to bring about necessary endings in gentle and non confrontational ways – it is a helpful time for making things less painful than need be.
So, how?
Keep it very simple.
Mindfully set an intention to receive wisdom from your higher power on how to rise above any less than healthy habits and choices, and how to gently release ourselves from people and circumstances that bring unhappiness. All will be revealed.
A perfect time to work on letting go. Can you? Be brave, all will be well.
Do you need some extra help from me with a spiritual energetic cleanse and re-set? Try my Clean Slate service.Prepare yourself and your home for a peaceful festive season and an abundant new year…
Until next time…
New Year Blessings
Rachel xxx